The familiar procedure in technology is that you design a system to perform certain tasks that are predetermined. In reverse engineering you attempt to determine, from the evidence of function and form, what a system was created to do. The standard reverse engineering explanation of the human creature, from the bio-evolutionary adaptations perspective, is that human beings were formed by natural selection to solve the problems encountered in a hunting and gathering cultural way of life. This explanation of the human creature, however, creates an array of problems.
It would seem that if the typical adaptations approach from the reverse engineering of the human species is right then a whole lot about human nature is left unexplained. It could, of course, be reasonably argued that natural selection could not have been effective enough to make certain that all traits of a species are especially adaptive. This reasoning would be easily defensible in which the non-adaptive traits in question are of minor importance in the general adaptive strategy of the species under consideration and read more here Where, however, the traits under consideration represent the important and salient features of the animal’s adaptive strategies in the battle for survival, we might start to suspect that there is a need for a revision ore-engineering of the theoretical explanations which require that we dismiss these traits as non-adaptive.
In modern societies with sophisticated scientific technological and material culture, the incidence of pressure on the person to combine the workforce as early as possible truncates, too frequently, the apprenticeship years of schooling. Society has never concealed its acceptance of this precocious child the juvenile prodigy, and has always depended on people showing a delayed onset of adulthood: the adult, who in adulthood seems still preoccupied with the concerns of juvenility. Human beings certainly have a taste and a specific psychological and intellectual adaptation to the use of leisure. We invest an inordinate number of financial resources in actions which appear redundant as much as the bare essentials of survival are involved.
We pursue our absorption and interest in leisure activities at times to the negligence of survival requirements. We tell stories, we sing and dance, we paint, redesign our surroundings to completely aesthetic ends, we arrange games, read and write poems, literature, plays stage dramas. An individual could envision lions in moments of leisure dancing and singing, but what could we believe when such leisure activity becomes an obsession to the extent that a pride would rather do the magic circle dance to induce wildebeest to them than go out to locate them? These basic problems of human biology and culture raise important Questions which cannot be swept under the carpet with the dismissive assumption they are merely accidental non-adaptive traits the blind watch maker mechanics of development throws up now and then.